According to Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah, the Prophet once observed: ‘The throne of Iblis (Satan), the chief of the devils, is situated above the seas, whence he sends his bands to lead human beings astray. To Iblis, the worthiest of the devils is the one who causes the greatest wickedness. The devils visit him as their chief to report their deeds to him,’ and Iblis gives a hearing to all of them. On one occasion, Iblis remained unimpressed with their achievements until one of the devils came and told him that he had pursued a husband and wife until he managed to separate them. He had achieved this by causing doubts and misgivings about one another. Iblis was so overjoyed to hear this that he drew him in a close embrace, saying, ‘Yes, you did it,’ meaning that he had managed to lead human beings astray.’ (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2813)

This tradition of Prophet Muhammad shows that Satan’s greatest weapons in perverting human society are the conflict and discord that he creates between a husband and wife, resulting in their separation.

In ancient times, this phenomenon was not widespread, with only a few people afflicted by the evil of separation. However, in modern times, the whole human race has come to be affected by exposure to new and misguided ideas about the freedom of women and the unnatural equality of the sexes. It is as a result of these artificial concepts that the marital state has come to be looked down upon in developed societies, and men and women have begun to opt increasingly for divorce, even on the most minor provocations. In the wake of such divorces, several evils have followed, not the least of which is their baneful effect on the children, who, in a state of bewilderment at the separation of their parents, often join gangs of criminals or fall prey to other negative activities. Then, the discarding of family bonds has given rise to a general atmosphere of permissiveness, which in turn has resulted in the spread of fatal diseases. The widespread loosening or even destruction of family bonds has become the most significant problem afflicting modern societies.

Society is affected when the rot of perversion sets in at home, and ultimately, the entire nation has to bear the brunt of it. The only reason for this widespread moral degeneration is the violation of the sanctity of marriage, which has come to be regarded as an unwelcome bond.

Keeping these things in mind, people should consider the importance of maintaining the institution of marriage in society. 

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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