There is a saying of the Prophet that “The best marriage with the most blessings is the easiest in terms of provision. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 24529)

In the second year after Hijrah, the Prophet married his daughter, Hazrat Fatimah, to Ali ibn Abi Talib. Early records show that the “dower” fixed by the Prophet of Islam for his daughter Fatimah is exemplary in this regard. The following words of Hazrat Ali explain this further:

Hazrat Ali said, “The Messenger of God asked me, "What brought you here? Is there something I can do for you?" I remained silent, but he said, "Have you  perhaps come to become engaged to Fatimah?" "Yes, I have," I replied. "Do you have something to give her in marriage?" he asked. "No, O Messenger of God, I do not," I replied. He then enquired, "What did you do with the armour I provided for you in the Badr?" "Now I swear by Him who holds 'Ali's soul in His hand, it was just an armour, not worth four dirhams.” I replied, "Yes, I have it." "Then I marry her to you for it; send it to her as her Mahr," he said. This, then became the dower paid for Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of God.'" (Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 4, p. 162)

Hazrat Ali sold that piece of gold to Hazrat Uthman for 480 dirhams and presented the amount before Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet then instructed to utilize the amount for perfume and arranging clothes. The belongings given by the Prophet in dowry were as follows: a simple mattress, a leather pillow filled with tree bark, a grinding stone, a water skin, and two clay pots. 

It is mentioned that when Fatimah left for Ali’s house, it was quite unfurnished except for a flooring of sand, a pillow of date palm bark, a pot of water and a drinking vessel. Even the sheet that Fatimah was given had to be divided in two so that one half could be spread for sleeping on and the other half could be worn. Such a dowry would be considered unbecoming to most people today.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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