Who is Eligible for Paradise?

Paradise is a world of unparalleled and unimaginable joy and comfort. Only those people will gain entry into Paradise who have paid its price, in the form of developing a heavenly character, thus proving themselves eligible for Paradise. Paradise is an eternal place in the neighbourhood of the eternal God. This place is only for those fortunate people who are determined to pay the price for it. They need to prove their eligibility for this in terms of their actions while on earth.

To get a seat in eternal Paradise, you should be able to discover God and develop conviction in Him, although He is unseen in the present world. Living in space and time, you need to develop the vision that can see beyond. You need to find meaning in the midst of a dark jungle of words. Living in a sea of desires, you need to save yourself from drowning in it. You need to make yourself egoless. Living among people who wish you ill, you need to become a well-wisher of all. Possessing complete freedom, you need to voluntarily surrender yourself completely to God. You need to hear unspoken words and discover invisible truths. In a world full of lies and deceit, you need always to speak the truth. Surrounded by dishonesty, you need to be scrupulously honest.

God’s angels are active, day and night, drawing up a list of people who are considered eligible for entry into Paradise. These are people who have attained God-realization, which has enabled them to shift their attention away from everything else and make God alone their supreme concern. Overwhelmed by the realization of the glory of God, all their feelings of pride and superiority have been wiped off. They are ever mindful of God’s admonishment, which makes it impossible for them to indulge in worldly pleasures. They are deaf to the sounds that appear alluring to others. They see worldly progress and worldly deprivation as synonymous. Instead of going around trying to prove that they are right, they are fond of admitting their own mistakes.

Paradise is a place that has real existence. You can enter Paradise if you possess the right qualities and have led the right sort of life while on earth. Only those people who have developed in them the divine qualities will be settled in Paradise. Entry into Paradise is not on the basis of any mysterious factors. Rather, it is only possible if during your life in this world you were able to cultivate a personality based on divine attributes.

Paradise is a land of the true, of people who have lived in and by the truth. In this world, these people are being selected for entry into Paradise after they die. Those who prove themselves to be true alone will be considered eligible for being settled in that eternal world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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