Appearance before the Creator

If a man were to emerge from out of a sealed-up cave all of a sudden, everyone would be completely astounded. They would think this to be some sort of very strange miracle.

An infant emerging from its mother’s womb is a similar sort of miraculous happening. But even though people witness this happening, they do not think it to be anything extraordinary at all.

Why this difference?

It is because rarely, if ever, does a man emerge from out of a sealed-up cave, while an infant emerging from a woman’s womb is an everyday event. The latter is something that people have got used to. They take it for granted. They do not think it necessary to give it any thought at all.

If people were to really seriously reflect on the miraculous phenomenon of a child emerging from a woman’s womb, they would discover the existence of the Creator. When they see a living human being born, a being that can move, see, hear and make sounds, they would realize that every human being is a mobile sign of the Creator’s existence. Every human being would seem a living introduction to the Creator.

When a human being is born and comes into this world, he finds that there is an elaborate life-support system in place for him. This life-support system is so complete that it magnificently fulfils every need of a human being, small or big. From the earth to the sun, everything in the world, without exception, is engaged in the service of man.

Then the day arrives when one suddenly dies. A human being desires eternal life, but generally within a hundred years he dies, against his will, leaving behind this world forever. If you seriously think about the issue, you will discover that death actually is the day of our appearing before our Creator.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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