God’s Reward

People are searching among thorns for flowers. They are reducing their lives to rubble while imagining that very soon a big palace of their own is going to come up!

Everyone is busy trying to beautify his life. Someone is busy in the field of trade or employment. Someone else is busy in the field of politics, trying to glorify his name. Someone is a clever wordsmith, using his skill with words to draw crowds. Everyone carries with him a beautiful dream of his future, and is busy, day and night, trying to turn this dream into a reality. But if you closely examine them, you will understand that for this dream of theirs to be realized, the only asset they possess is a stock of wrong actions.

Ignoring their relatives’ rights, people want to build their children’s future. They trouble their neighbours and at the same time think of bringing joy to people who live far away. They do not hesitate to use unjust means when it comes to their personal affairs, but in the outside world they turn into flag-bearers of justice. They will not tolerate even a word being said against them, but they think they can do whatsoever they like to others, imagining that they are God’s soldiers.

God has placed in this world everything that a human being wants—in fact, even more than this. But the means to acquire every good thing in this world are good actions. God rewards those who fulfil the rights of others, who do not harm their neighbours, who deal justly with people, who lead their lives in devotion to God, rather in devotion to themselves, who bow down before the truth, even if it is against them, who surrender their egos to God and who agree to live egoless in this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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