In the Face of Death  

Louis XI (1423-83), Emperor of France, did not want to die, and so, towards the end of his life, he began living in a closed fort, which very few people were permitted to enter. A deep moat was dug all around the fort so that no one could come close to him. 40 archers stood on the walls of the fort at all times, while 40 horsemen patrolled the fort, day and night. The Emperor had declared that if anyone tried to enter the fort without permission, he should be killed at once. Inside the fort, all sorts of luxuries were made available for the Emperor to enjoy so that he would never feel sad.

Louis XI was so keen on staying alive that he ordered that the word ‘Death’ must not be uttered in his presence! An expert doctor was in constant attendance on him. The doctor was paid a huge salary of ten thousand gold crowns every month.

But all of this could not save the Emperor from old age and from growing infirm. Towards the end of his life, he became so weak that he could hardly lift anything to put into his mouth! Despite this, his desire to live turned into a terrible obsession.

One day, someone told the Emperor that certain sea-turtles lived till around 500 years and that they could help prolong human life. So, the Emperor dispatched some men to bring some of these creatures for him. The turtles were kept in a pond near his chambers in the hope that this would help him live longer!

Finally, Louis XI fell prey to paralysis and death overtook him. Thus he learned, at last, that no one can win over death. When he lay dying, his last words were:

      I am not as ill as you think I am.

All his efforts to evade death failed. And on 30th August 1483, he died.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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