On the Other Side of Life

On the face of it, we are complete beings. But in actual fact, we are not. We have eyes to see, but without external light we cannot see. We have ears to hear, but without external air we cannot hear. We have feet to walk, but if the force of gravity did not exist and there was no ground underneath, we would not have been able to walk. We have mouths to eat, but if there is no food available we would not be able to eat anything.

Now, imagine a situation where you are just as you presently are, with all your bodily organs intact, but that the external things that relate to these organs have all been taken away from you. You have eyes, but there is no external light which you need in order to be able to see. You have a mouth, but there is no food available. You have feet, but there is no ground below you to stand on. Furthermore, you are all alone. Everyone you knew has abandoned you.

This is no imaginary situation. This is precisely what each one of us is going to face one day, when we die!

The day of our meeting with death is racing towards us. We all have to face this day, one day or the other. There is absolutely no way we can avoid it. We need to realize this and to prepare for that momentous moment. That day will be for us as what is called a ‘point of no return’. After that, we will have to face the consequences of our actions in this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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