The Journey of Life

Every day, innumerable people enter through the door of death. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people set off from their homes but on the way to their destination they are caught by God’s angels, who take them to the stage of the Hereafter, instead of to where they wanted to go.

Every person has built in his mind an entire world full of hopes and desires. He imagines that he is advancing towards the world of his hopes, that he is walking in the direction of the ‘tomorrow’ of his dreams. But very soon he comes to know that he is heading, not to the world of his hopes, but, rather, to the world of God, towards the Hereafter. People are simply unaware of where they are heading and where they will arrive.

People generally give their all for the sake of their children. But before they can see and rejoice in their children’s future death drags them off to their own future—the eternal Hereafter—for which they had made no preparation at all. People build magnificent houses, hoping to live there in comfort, but even before they can enter their dream-houses, death grabs them away from them. People struggle to become as economically rich as they can, thinking that this will carry them to the pinnacle of honour and progress, but very soon they learn that what awaits them is just a cold, silent grave.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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