The World After Death

One day, I was sitting in my room when I heard a song being played from somewhere. The words went like this:

      How will I spend those nights?

      How will I spend those days?

Hearing these words, my mind suddenly turned to the thought of the life after death. I said to myself, “In his pre-death phase, man has everything. If he feels thirsty, there’s water to drink. If he’s hungry, there are different types of food that he can have. Everything that man needs is available in this world. And comforts and luxuries, too. How wonderful!”

And, I further thought, “All this is in the stage of life before death, though. In the stage of life after death, man might find himself in an eternal desert, where there won’t be anything at all for him. Suddenly, he might be in a state of total deprivation and loss!”

If you are conscious of the fact of your death that is certain to come, it is bound to shake you to the very roots.

Today, man has everything, and tomorrow, when death overtakes him, he will have nothing at all. This is man’s greatest problem. This realization should impel us to think more about the life after death than about this world. It should lead us to plan for our future—our future in the life after death, so that we can be saved from a terrible fate, about which the Bible says:

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13:42)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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