Nature: An Introduction to Paradise

Nature is truly beautiful. You can never get tired of admiring it. Man wishes that he could continue observing nature. But the demands of life keep him engaged, and thus he leaves this world without being able to satisfyingly appreciate nature’s loveliness.

Nature is in this world a representative of the Paradise to come in the next world. It is a glimpse of the Heaven of the Hereafter. In nature there is a glimpse of the unparalleled beauty and attraction that will be found in Paradise.

Nature reminds us of Paradise. It tells us that if we do heavenly deeds here, we can gain Heaven in the Hereafter. In this world, it is not possible for a person to enjoy nature, but in the perfect world of the Hereafter it will be possible for him to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of nature to the ultimate extent.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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