The Stage of Life

On the night of the 21st of September 1981, 90 year-old Mr. B.K. Rama Reddy and his 80 year-old wife Phulabai were in their house in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. There was only one more person in the house at that time—their 50 year old employee Ramayya. When the couple was fast asleep, Ramayya grabbed an axe and brutally murdered them. Then, he looted a large sum of money and jewellery, and, in the dark of night, fled from the house.

It so happened that Ramayya reached a spot where there were two policemen on night patrol. The policemen suspected that Ramayya had been up to no good and stopped him. They questioned and threatened him and then Ramayya finally confessed to his crime and surrendered the things that he had robbed. The policemen took Ramayya and handed him over, along with the stolen goods, to the police station.

The policemen’s names were Sheikh Mahboob and S.M. Rashid.

When the police officer heard about what had happened, he was very pleased with the honesty of the two policemen. He gave them each a reward in cash and promoted them. Sheikh Mahboob was promoted to the post of Station Officer and S.M. Rashid to that of Head Constable.

This incident illustrates how a single incident can simultaneously mean two entirely different things for two different people or sets of people. One incident brings credit to someone, and discredit to someone else. It leads to someone being proven as a murderer and takes him to jail, while at the same time it shows someone else to be honest and duty-conscious and as eligible for a reward.

All events that happen in this world are of this nature. This world is a sort of divine stage. By creating different conditions, God gives everyone an opportunity to openly express whatever is inside them. A person with a criminal bent of mind will commit a crime when he finds an opportunity to do so, and so will become eligible for being punished in accordance with God’s law. On the other hand, a person who is devoted to the Truth will act truthfully and justly, and so will become eligible for being rewarded by God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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