A Delicate Question

Death is the strangest, most mysterious happening in our lives. Every person is desperate to know where he will go after his death.

The famous American Christian missionary Billy Graham penned a book titled The Secret of Happiness. In this book, he mentioned that one day he received an urgent message from a senior leader, who asked him to meet him at once. And so, he set off. When he met the leader in his office, the latter took him to a separate room and, in the course of their conversation, said to him:

I am an old man. Life has lost all meaning. I am ready to take a fateful leap into the Unknown. Young man, can you give me a ray of hope?

Death is stalking each one of us. In childhood and youth, one forgets about it. But, finally, what Fate has decided has to have its way. When they turn old, people lose their strength and realize that they are soon going to die. And then, they are compelled to think about what happens after Death. They begin to search for a ray of hope that can give their life some light after their death.

God’s prophets came to this world to give people this light of hope. They told us that there is another world, after death, a world that is eternal and ideal. They told us that entry into that world is for those who before their death made themselves deserving of that world through righteous deeds. This reality is indicated in the Quran (10:25) thus:   

God calls man to the home of peace.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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