The Impending Storm

On the 11th of August 1979, floods struck the town of Morvi, in Gujarat, in western India, wreaking enormous destruction. Torrential rains caused a dam near the town to burst. A wall of water, some 20 feet high, swept down from the dam into the town, and in a short while, almost the whole town was destroyed. It was estimated that some 25 thousand of the town’s roughly 40 thousand people perished in the flood.

An eye-witness account of the havoc unleashed by the flood was published in the 19th August 1979 edition of the Hindustan Times. It spoke of the survivors thus:

Some have lost their speech and look absolutely dazed and blank.

Events like this that keep happening in the world remind us of the Day of Judgment. The enormous ‘flood’ on the Day of Judgment, too, will come about all of a sudden. On that day, too, many people will be so devastated that they will be dumbstruck. Their tongues had never ceased to wag while they were in this world, but at that moment, their tongues will be firmly locked up. They will be stunned at the destruction they are experiencing and will not be able to utter even a single word.

On the other hand, on that Day there will be other people, who will be told that this enormous destruction and devastation will not harm them at all, and that they will receive God’s reward.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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