Creation Plan for This World

Research tells us that our world is based on the principle of pairs. Here, everything is found in pairs: electrons and protons; male animals and female animals; men and women; negative and positive; light and darkness.

This world, too, has a pair—which is ideal and perfect. This pair is free from all imperfections. In that other world, all the desires of human beings will be fulfilled in the complete sense.  Only selected people will gain entry into that world, on the basis of merit. Without this merit or eligibility, no one is going to gain entry there.

This present world is the initial and a temporary part of a larger plan. According to this plan, this world has been made as a selection-ground. Here, people are born in order that they spend some time amidst conditions here so that it can be gauged who among them is eligible for being settled in the perfect world in the Hereafter and who is not. Those who are eligible for this will be selected and settled in the next, perfect world, while the rest, who have failed in this examination, will be declared as a rejected lot.

On what basis will this selection of people happen?

According to the Creator’s Creation Plan, there is just one basis for this—and that is, the proper use or the misuse of the freedom that our Creator has given to human beings. The proper or improper use of this freedom is the only basis according to which the decision about people’s eternal future will be made.

In line with the Creator’s Plan, a true human is one who saves himself from the wrong conditioning of his environment, who leads his life in accordance with God’s Will, and who prepares himself while in the pre-death phase of life for the post-death phase of life.

In this present world, every person is on a test. In line with the Creator’s Plan, a record is being prepared for each one of us. When history comes to an end and the next age for humankind dawns, our Creator, who is in the Unseen in the present world, will manifest Himself before us so that all people will be able to directly see Him.

This will be the Day of Decision. On that day, all human beings who ever lived will be brought before the Creator. At that time, the Creator will decide the fate of each of us, in accordance with the record of our deeds that He has kept. This decision will be based on perfect justice. And then some people will be settled in eternal Paradise, while the rest will be cast into Hell.

Conditions tell us that this impending day has now come very close. The final moment has arrived for human beings to awaken and prepare themselves for the impending eternal life.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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