Fear God

Today, there is no place anywhere where there is no oppression. Whom do people oppress? They oppress those who they think are weak, who do not know how to boss around, who do not have companions to come to their rescue, who want to stay away from the police and the courts. People turn bold in front of the weak and appear meek in front of those who seem stronger than them.

This is like seeing with a blind eye. If people truly had eyes that see, those they would fear most would be people whom they consider to be powerless, because God stands behind the powerless.

Whatever happens in this world is according to a plan in order to test people. This test aims to identify both God-fearing people as well as those who do not fear God.

God has made some people to be powerless and bereft of any status and has placed them among others. He sees how the latter behave with them. Those who fear being unjust with such people fear God. Such people will be destined for Heaven. But those who do not fear dealing unjustly with the weak do not fear God. And so, they shall be taken to task for their actions in the present world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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