The First and the Second Life

When a human being takes birth in this world, it is what you could call his ‘first life’. Without having to make any effort at all, a new-born infant finds that everything that it needs has been carefully arranged for. It has a loving family that cares for it. The world around it is incredibly finely tuned to make it favourable for it to live. It is enveloped by an amazing life-support system that provides all that it requires for survival. All these things the infant gets without having to do anything at all!

This new living being passes through various stages, and, finally, one day, it dies. Death is not its final end, however. Rather, it is the start of a new journey.

After death, man enters a world where, once again, he is all alone. This time too he is a living, conscious being, but now he has been parted forever from all the many things that he possessed in the world that he came from.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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