Universality is an inseparable part of true religiousness. A person starts thinking at the universal level about having discovered God and about having peace and well-wishing for all humankind.

A study of the Quran shows that it aims to produce a universal approach in people. Universality means high thinking and an unbiased approach. The Quran addresses us thus: “O man” and “O humankind”. This shows that the approach of the Quran is based on universality. This shows that the approach of the Quran is based on universality. The Quran (1:2) introduces God as “The Lord of the worlds” and not as “The Lord of the Muslims”. The Quran cites the Prophet of Islam as a messenger sent for all humankind, not just for the Arabs: “We have sent you forth as a mercy to all mankind” (21:107). In another place, the Quran says: “Blessed be He Who has revealed Al-Furqan (The Criterion) to His servant, so that He may be a warner to all humankind.” (25:1)

This universal approach can be seen in many other Islamic teachings. The universality of the Quranic message should bring about a universal approach in those who believe in it. For instance, at the end of salaat or the prescribed form of worship in Islam, the faithful turn their heads towards the right and the left and utter this greeting: Assalam-o-Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, which means, “Peace be upon you, as well as the mercy of God.” This is meant for all humankind, inhabiting the lands towards the east and the west, the north and the south. It is, in fact, a universal greeting.

Islam understood correctly, teaches love and peace and seeks to develop human-friendly behaviour in its followers. The same God has created all human beings, so they all belong to one great family. As far as their earthly origin is concerned, they are all descendants of the first pair of human beings created by God—Adam and Eve.

When all human beings are created by the One God and are descendants of the same primal progenitors, it means that all are, at root, equal: no one is, in essence, superior or inferior. The distinction between great and small is not between one human being and another but between God and human beings (and other creatures of God). Moreover, before God, all human beings are essentially equal; all are equally His creatures and His servants, for God does not discriminate among His creations.

At every moment, God reaches out to His servants; man may find God at any moment of his seeking. No barrier exists between a man and God, and intercession is unnecessary. When a person enters the eternal world of God, he finds his Maker right there before him, where he stands. In the Quran, God Almighty says: “When My servants ask you about Me, say that I am near. I respond to the call of one who calls, whenever he calls to Me: let them, then, respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be rightly guided.” (2:186)

Universality is an inseparable part of the Quranic worldview. One who adopts the Quranic way in its true spirit will start thinking at the universal level. His personality will be linked with the entire human community. Despite being located in a particular region; he becomes global in his thinking.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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