A major purpose of interfaith dialogue, or dialogue between members of different religious communities, is for dialogue partners to understand and learn from each other.

What is the scope of interfaith dialogue? For example, should it focus on people from different faith backgrounds trying to understand each other’s religions? Or should it also include trying to understand each other’s economic, social, and political conditions and problems, which are often a major cause of inter-community conflict? In other words, should such dialogue be theological, sociological, or both?

Social issues are common in nature. Discussion on social issues is our common worldly requirement. Here, the formula of the well-known thinker Jeremy Bentham is applicable: “The greatest good for the greatest number.” That is, many people sit together to discuss social issues of common concern, and whatever jointly emerges from the discussions could be adopted by all.

However, the arena of religion is quite different. Religion is related to the issue of Truth. Every individual should seek to discover Truth by themselves, to find out what the Truth with a capital ‘T’ is. Without making this kind of finding, a person will live in confusion.

We need, therefore, to differentiate between social issues and religious issues. Of course, dialogue should be at both levels, but their purpose is distinct.

I believe a major purpose of inter-religious dialogue should be the search for Truth. In this process, dialogue partners can understand and learn from each other in a spirit of mutual respect. Therefore, they should present the views of their religion and their insights and experiences and at the same time be willing to learn from others when they present their religious views, insights, and experiences. This is how they may jointly progress in their search for Truth.

Dialogue on religious issues is important in the search for Truth. It is extremely useful for people of various religions to share their experiences searching for Truth through such dialogue. It can help increase one’s knowledge, and learning from others may immensely benefit one’s journey in searching for Truth. If one thinks one has found what he regards as Truth with a capital ‘T’, he can share it with others through dialogue. Moreover, if one is yet to reach the final goal in terms of Truth, dialogue with others can assist him in his search.

About myself, I can say that although I am convinced about my faith when I listen to others’ points of view, I do so with an objective mind and learn useful and good things from them. This attitude of mine has been greatly beneficial for me. It has greatly helped me grow in my understanding.

So, even though you may feel your belief system is true, it does not mean you should ignore or be blind to the good things many other belief systems contain. On the contrary, one should be open to learning and benefitting from others because everyone has at least something we can learn and gain from.

Some people might feel that appreciating the good things in other religions may weaken their faith, so they ignore the good things other religions contain. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common tendency. However, this kind of thinking is wrong. Only ignorant or very prejudiced people can think in this manner.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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