Opportunities come from all directions. If we keep our minds open, we can discover the opportunities, and avail them through wise planning.

An incident occurred on January 3, 1993, when I was in my office in Delhi when two strangers entered the room. Until that day, I did not know them; they, too, knew nothing about me.

Introducing themselves, they mentioned that they were residents of the historical city of Vedisha in Madhya Pradesh. They were attending a gathering in Vedisha on Swami Vivekananda’s birthday on January 12. They had come to Delhi as part of this event. They introduced themselves as Vimal Kumar and Pitru Ashishi.

They told me that they read an interview in today’s edition of Jan Satta, a Hindi newspaper in Delhi. Before that, they knew nothing about me. However, after reading the interview, they were convinced that I was the speaker they were looking for in their session at Vedisha. They said that, therefore, they wanted me to accept their invitation and take me to Vedisha to be their main speaker for their session on January 12.

It was a difficult situation for me. At that time, news of sectarian disturbances was coming from Madhya Pradesh as well. I had only heard the name Vedisha. However, due to the sincere insistence of these gentlemen, I accepted their invitation.

On the evening of January 11, 1993, I left for Vedisha from Delhi via Malwa Express. When I woke up on January 12, the Vedisha railway station was nearby. The Conference organizers met me as soon as I got off the platform. I accompanied them to the city. My stay was at Mr. Chadha’s home.

I had lunch on January 12 at an Ashram adjacent to a hospital. Most of the expenses of this Ashram were borne by a local Hindu trader. After the evening prayer on January 12, the session was arranged. When I arrived, a large canopy was set up with many educated Hindus seated under it. A Hindu brother whispered, “All these people have come to hear you.”

I was in a great dilemma. Even at the last moment, my mind could not decide what to say to the audience that day. In this state of uncertainty, I was sitting on the stage when the announcement came, “Now, Maulana Sahib will guide us.”

I came before the mic in such a state that tears welled up in my eyes due to a sense of helplessness. In silent words, I prayed, “Oh God, these souls created by You have gathered here to listen to the truth. But I do not know what to say to them. God, make me a playback speaker today to say what you like.”

After that, I began my speech and spoke almost for an hour. I do not remember what I said in my speech. But later, Mr. Madhu Mehta of Bombay told me that people were so mesmerized during my speech that they were not even blinking. Tears flowed from the eyes of many; even women were seen crying.

Perhaps the most important event of the trip to Vedisha was meeting Mr. Madhu Mehta. Before that, both of us were completely unaware of each other. We met for the first time at Vedisha. Discussions were held on the current state of the country. He listened to my speech during the session. Afterward, he said that he was looking for a ‘Muslim scholar’ who could help us solve the serious problem that had arisen in the country due to religious differences. He said he believed he had found this Muslim scholar in my person.

Mr. Madhu Mehta was one of the distinguished personalities of Bombay. He had high-level connections with the Hindus there. He was the Chairman of the Hindustani Andolan. He said, “Come to Bombay. Present your teachings based on ‘Peace and Social Harmony’ to the people there. I will provide you with all kinds of support in this regard.” Consequently, availing of his invitation, I made several trips to Bombay. By the grace of God, every trip was extraordinarily successful.

Through the above experience, I realized that opportunities come from all directions. If we keep our minds open, we can discover the opportunities, and avail them through wise planning.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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