The goal of Divinely-revealed religions has always been to give man a proper knowledge of His Creator so that he may properly understand the universe and the purpose of human life.

In the search for truth, the most reliable source is authentic religion. The reason people take authentic religion to be a reliable source of truth is that the teachings of authentic religion are based on Divine revelation.

God created the universe. He knows best its creation plan. He has full knowledge of which path leads to success and which path leads to failure. Therefore, God-given guidance is entirely trustworthy.

After the creation of the universe, when man first appeared on the earth, God decreed that in every age and nation, certain individuals would be raised as prophets to guide humankind to the path of God. God, who has absolute knowledge, sent His guidance to man. He did this by means of revelations that were given to the Messengers that He appointed. Many of these revelations are contained in the sacred books on which the world religions are based. These sources have guided human beings over many centuries. In every era, a large number of people have found in them, light for their minds and solace for their hearts. The goal of Divinely-revealed religion has always been to give man a proper knowledge of His Creator so that he may properly understand the universe and the purpose of human life. Divinely-revealed religion informs man of his beginning and his ultimate end. It enables man to lead his life in this world according to the Creation Plan of God so that he may be entitled to reward in this world and the Hereafter.

A religious system generally includes beliefs, worship, ethics, social behaviour, etc. One of the important contributions of an authentic religious system is that it provides man with a lifelong centre around which his intellectual and emotional being may revolve. It offers man an ideology for living, a worldview in which he may believe with all his heart and soul, and an understanding of the purpose of life. It gives man the conviction that he is in communion with a power higher than him. Divine religion is the religion of nature. On finding it, man feels he has become a co-traveller with the rest of the universe, a member of the universal brotherhood.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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