All human beings are God’s family. Therefore, one should not discriminate against anyone. Moreover, one should value others just as one values oneself.
To build a good human society, people must respect, honour, and show appreciation for one another.
How are these feelings of respect, honour, and appreciation to be produced?
The most effective and successful way for this is for it to be instilled in the mind of every individual that the Creator who has created them has created all other human beings, too. Thus, all human beings are, as it were, members of God’s family. According to a Hadith report, the Prophet of Islam remarked: “All human beings are God’s family.” (Musnad Al-Bazzar, Hadith No. 6947)
The consciousness that all beings are part of God’s family produces the realization that we should not discriminate against anyone and should value others, irrespective of their religion or ethnicity, just as we value ourselves. If we humiliate another person, we should feel bad at our misdeed, knowing that in having done this action, we have humiliated a member of God’s family. On the other hand, if we respect another person, we should feel happy that we have given respect and honour to a member of God’s family.
The truth is that there is no greater fortune for a human being than doing something that gives him the happiness that he has shown respect to a member of God’s family, no matter their religion, community, or even species. This action makes him deserving of reward in the eyes of God. By honouring others, one makes oneself a person who is worthy of honour.