When human beings interact, everyone should benefit in one way or the other from everyone else. When two human beings meet, it is the meeting of two living beings who should be examples of mercy and blessing for each other. It applies to the interaction between people from different religious backgrounds as well.

Nature is based on the principle of selfless munificence. In Nature, everything benefits others while charging them nothing at all for their services. Here, duties are carried out without rights being an issue.

The sun gives light and heat continuously to the world, on an unconditional basis. In every corner of the world, at every moment, the air supplies oxygen, which is indispensable for people to remain alive. However, the air has never presented anyone with a bill for this service. Without which life would be impossible, water is available at a universal level, and Nature arranges for this free of charge. Trees give shade, flowers, and fruits but do not demand any price. The earth grows all kinds of crops which are a support for humans and animals, but it does this without wanting any reward. Everywhere, we hear beautiful birdsongs, but the birds do not expect any appreciation from us.

Human beings are also a part of Nature. Therefore, we, too, should adopt the same approach and way of life as the rest of the world of Nature has done on a vast scale. No other method of life is desirable in this world. Relating this to the issue of inter-religious relations, one can say that people from diverse religious backgrounds should contribute to the common good, to the wider humankind, and even to the rest of the creation, and not be concerned only about their co-religionists. This is how people from different religious backgrounds live in peace, harmony, and goodwill with each other. 

Humans are social beings. A person generally leads his life amongst many other people, constantly in contact with them. When human beings interact with one another, everyone should benefit in one way or the other from everyone else, going beyond the boundaries of religion and community. When two human beings meet, it is not like the meeting of two stones. Rather, it is the meeting of two living beings who should be examples of mercy and blessing for each other, no matter their religion or ethnic background.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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