A peaceful method is more effective than a violent one. Peaceful relations between Jews and Muslims can indeed be established. It is certainly possible.

The Prophet Muhammad migrated from Makkah to Madinah in 622 C.E. At that time, some Jewish tribes were living in Madinah.

The Madinan period of the Prophet’s life gives us some authentic examples to share the Prophetic model of Jewish-Muslim relations.

It is said that the Prophet accepted invitations from Jewish leaders of Madinah to visit their homes and have an exchange on mutual issues. This shows the importance of interaction between Jews and Muslims. 

Al-Bukhari narrates a very interesting story according to which, one day, the Prophet of Islam saw a funeral procession passing on a street in Madinah. He was seated at that time. On seeing the funeral procession, he stood up in respect. One of his Companions said, “O! Prophet, it is the funeral of a Jew.” The Prophet replied, “Was he not a human being?” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1312)

This report shows that the Prophet of Islam discovered a commonality between himself and a Jewish person. Moreover, that commonality was based on the concept that both were human beings, having been created by the same God.

These experiences from the life of the Prophet of Islam give us a model for how Muslims can live peacefully with Jews and settle the problems between their two communities.

Here, I would like to remove a misunderstanding in this regard. Some verses in the Quran refer to Jews as opponents. However, these verses are neither general nor absolute. These verses were related to only some Jewish contemporaries of the Prophet of Islam. These verses have nothing to do with the Jewish community as a whole.

The following instruction from the Quran gives us a very clear direction: as-sulh khair (4:128). This means that reconciliation is best. According to the Quran, this is the formula of difference management. In line with this formula, Muslims must follow the course of peaceful conciliation, rather than violent confrontation, with others, including members of the Jewish community.

There is a relevant teaching of the Prophet of Islam that states: “God grants to non-violence what he does not grant to violence.”(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2593) This means that peaceful methods are far more effective than violent methods.

In light of the above teachings, we can safely say that the so-called Jewish-Muslim ‘enmity’ is not advisable. It is an artificial state of affairs. We can and should work to establish peaceful relations between Jews and Muslims.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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