Not benefitting from others is the greatest loss. If someone finds something lacking in himself, he can compensate for it by learning from others. This can happen, for instance, through inter-religious dialogue, where one can learn many good things from people of different faith backgrounds, each of whom has their own insights and experiences.
According to a Hadith report, the Prophet of Islam once remarked: “Seek guidance from the wise, and you will be guided, and do not go against that. Otherwise, you will repent of it.” (Musnad Al-Shahab, Hadith No. 722)
This report highlights the importance of learning from others.
It is a fact that no two human beings are cast in the same mould. Some have less knowledge and experience, while some have more. Some are gifted naturally with more wisdom and understanding, while some are less well-endowed in these respects. These differences exist so that people may benefit from one another. If a person finds something lacking in himself, he might be able to compensate for it by learning from others. This can happen, for instance, through inter-religious dialogue, where one can learn many good things from people of varied faith backgrounds, each of whom has valuable insights and experiences.
We should develop the habit of listening to and learning from others, from wise people, no matter who they may be, the community they belong to, and the belief system they subscribe to. This is very useful for our personal growth.