The SignificanCe of Tolerance in Faith Communities

While believing in one religion, a person can at the same time respect other religions, too.

Some argue that if a person firmly believes in a particular belief system, he is bound to be intolerant of other belief systems and those who subscribe to them. However, this is not true.

It is incorrect to claim that when someone believes his religion to be true, he will not be able to respect other religions and their adherents—such apprehension results from underestimating the capacity of human beings. While respecting his mother, a man can also show due regard for other people’s mothers. Respecting one woman as his mother does not render him incapable of respecting other mothers.  Similarly, while believing in one particular religion, a person can also respect others. It is possible to “follow one and respect all.”

It is human nature to want to share anything good that one has discovered with others. It is only very selfish and narrow-minded people who like to reserve the good things of this life exclusively for themselves. When he discovers what he regards as true and good, a person’s innate humanity inspires him to share it with others. The discovery of truth and goodness and the sharing of this discovery are, in fact, inseparable. However, such action has nothing to do with conversion. It is only the communication of what one holds to be true and good. Such action should result from a feeling of well-wishing for others welling up in one’s heart rather than manifesting any notion of supposed superiority.

In inter-religious dialogue, people who believe in different religions share what they believe and practice and why they believe and practice. This can help them deepen their faith as well as enable them to develop a better appreciation for the beliefs and ways of life of others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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