Inter-religious harmony can be achieved by encouraging people to respect other people’s beliefs and be humanitarian in their dealings with adherents of other faiths.

Harmony between people who subscribe to different religions is a very desirable objective. The way to achieve this objective is to encourage people to respect other peoples’ beliefs and be humanitarian at all times in their dealings with adherents of other religions. We must promote this harmony by respecting the long-cherished beliefs of other religions.

There may be differences in religious beliefs between people, and to relate to these, we should adopt a positive and practical approach. A positive and practical approach is something that people regularly resort to in matters of their daily existence. As such, it is a known and acceptable method for handling differences. This should be applied to the issue of religious differences, too. Whether a religious scholar or a ‘common’ person, everyone must respect people of other faiths, exercise tolerance towards their beliefs, appreciate the goodness in their belief systems and practices, and be humanitarian while dealing with them. Honest and sincere efforts ensure inter-community harmony in a religiously plural society.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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