Inter-religious dialogue is not just about telling others about one’s religion. It is also a means to learn about and appreciate wise and good things in other religions.

‘Dialogue’ is a much talked about issue these days. People also talk about dialogue between religions, which means dialogue between people who claim to follow different religions.

The term ‘inter-religious dialogue’ can sometimes be interpreted by some people to give the unrealistic impression that to establish harmony in society, all the differences that exist in the teachings of different religions need to be done away with. As any sensible person would agree, doing away with all these differences is quite impossible. However, what is indeed possible is to find some achievable and practicable formula for harmonious living between people who subscribe to different religions.

In this regard, we need to adopt what is achievable and avoid that which is unachievable. Achieving harmony between people adhering to different beliefs is attainable. However, the differences in the doctrines of various religions are natural. They cannot be eliminated.

The only workable formula of harmony between people who subscribe to different religions is that which is based on mutual respect. This principle of mutual respect can be found in the following verse of the Quran: “You have your religion, and I have mine.” (109:6) Through this verse, the Quran is giving master advice for establishing a peaceful society, i.e., “To follow one and respect all.”

From this verse, it can be understood that Islam recognizes that there are differences in religion. However, at the same time, it advocates mutual respect. Without this formula, we cannot live in harmony in a religiously plural society. Therefore, religious harmony means harmony between people who subscribe to different religions and who agree to live together in harmony despite the theological differences that exist between their religions.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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