A great benefit of positive status quoism is that by adopting this policy, one can instantly avail of opportunities for carrying out one’s projects. One can then utilize one’s energies fully in one’s mission without wasting even an iota of effort.
A very important principle from Islamic teachings is positive status quoism, accepting the prevailing situation. Using this principle, one can maintain unilateral ethics at all times. Here are a few examples of the Prophet of Islam in this regard:
When Prophet Muhammad began his mission of tawheed (unity of God) in the town of Makkah, there existed, as usual, a status quo. The Quraysh had assumed the town’s leadership, and according to their beliefs, they had established an idolatrous system. Now, the question arose about how Prophet Muhammad should begin his work. It might have appeared that the status quo under the hegemony of the Quraysh would have to be abolished, and only then would the path be cleared for the Prophet’s mission. At this juncture, certain basic guidance was revealed to the Prophet. God declared in the Quran: “Surely with every hardship there is ease; surely, with every hardship, there is ease.” (94:5-6)
These verses highlighted that despite obstacles, by the very Law of Nature, opportunities for the furtherance of the Prophet’s aims also existed side by side. Therefore, any attempt to change the status quo was not to be made in the first stage itself. Instead, without disturbing the prevailing situation, such opportunities as in other fields were to be utilized to promote the Divine cause.
The method that Islam prescribes for the achievement of goals, and the model that we find exemplified in the life of the Prophet, can be described in brief as a method based on positive status quoism—that is, remaining in harmony with the status quo and engaging in one’s efforts in the sphere of the possible. In this respect, it may be called ‘positive status quoism’.
However, the status quoism of the Prophet did not simply mean accepting the extant set of circumstances for all time. It meant, rather, carving out a path for oneself by adopting a non-confrontational policy within the existing set-up. Far from leading to a state of inertia, this was a planned course of action.
The Prophet of Islam followed this principle in his life at Makkah and Madinah. This is one of the reasons for his achieving such great success—within a short period of twenty-three years—as had perhaps never been achieved by anyone prior to this in human history.
The great benefit of such status quoism is that, by adopting this policy, one can instantly avail of opportunities for carrying out one’s projects. One can then utilize one’s energies fully in one’s mission without wasting even one iota of effort. Moreover, by avoiding unnecessary clashes and confrontations, one can devote oneself to constructive activities to the fullest extent.