Two Different Attributes

The Quran states that every human being has two distinct attributes: One Nafs Ammara, the other Nafs Lawwama. (The Quran, 12:53; 75:2) Both of these attributes are inherent in every human being by birth. Nafs Ammara means one’s ego, and Nafs Lawwama means one’s conscience. Both of these attributes initially remain in a dormant state. If they are not awakened, they will remain in the same state. If something provocative is said against a person, his ego will wake up and the result will be the same as waking up a sleeping snake.

On the contrary, if a person is treated gently, his conscience will be aroused. If earlier people had experienced “thorns” from him, now they would experience “flowers”. He will now become a model of mercy for others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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