Formula for Mercy

The Prophet of Islam said, “Have mercy on the people of the earth. The one in heaven will have mercy on you”. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 4941) It is a simple principle that instills in men and women a passion to perform good deeds that never end. Every human being needs God’s help in different stages of life, it is impossible to be successful in this world without this. The easiest way to make a person deserving is to give to others what he wants God to give to himself. If he wants God to help him, he should also be a helper of others. If he wants God to be kind to him, he should be kind to others. If he wants God to forgive him for his shortcomings, he should also overlook the shortcomings of others.

Dealing with someone with kindness and compassion is like saying to God: “O God, I have dealt with your servants with kindness and compassion, so deal with me with kindness and compassion.”

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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