A Prayer

A Prayer of the Prophet of Islam is as follows, “O God, show me the truth in the form of truth and help me to follow it, and show me the falsehood in the form of falsehood and help me to avoid it, and show me things as they are.” (Sharh al-Muntaha al-Iradat, Vol. 3, p. 497)

The most important thing in today’s world is to possess objective thinking. This is taught in this tradition in the form of a prayer. In today’s world, man lives in such a situation that he often sees the truth in the form of falsehood and falsehood in the form of truth. In this prayer, one is asking his Lord to save him from this error. In response to his prayer, God may bless him with the insight that allows him to see things as they are. Right thinking leads to the right action, and the right action always leads to success.

According to this prophetic prayer, human beings are not capable of seeing the truth in the form of truth and falsehood in the form of falsehood. This problem is caused by conditioning. Every human being is brought up in a certain environment after birth. From childhood onwards, he continues to accept the effects of the environment due to his mental immaturity. This is called conditioning. After reaching the age of maturity, man has to activate his consciousness and engage in his mental deconditioning. Let him bring himself to the level of as-it-is-thinking. The greatest benefit of knowledge is that it makes a person conscious and prepares him for this self-deconditioning. This increases our conviction in the process of deconditioning. This helps us to see things as they are.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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