Help Everyone

The Prophet said, “‘Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or oppressed. People asked, ‘We know how to help the oppressed, but how can we help the oppressor?’ The Prophet said, ‘Stop the oppressor from his oppression.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 2444) Islam wants to instill in every human being the spirit of well-wishing towards other human beings, helping people is its practical form. The help of the oppressed is to save him from oppression. Helping the oppressor is to prevent him from his act of oppression. Stopping oppression does not mean starting a confrontation with him. The real help of the oppressor is to pray for his correction. He should be kindly advised; to create conditions so that he may realize his mistake and agree to give up oppression. Helping the oppressor does not mean hating the person, rather it means doing good to him. Hatred increases oppression, and benevolence puts an end to it.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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