Selfless Man

In the Quran, ‘soul at peace’ is used to describe a noble personality. (27:30) The soul at peace, in other words, is a soul free from psychological complexities, someone who can think beyond all kinds of negative feelings and superficial emotions.

In this world, man lives in different situations. These situations create all kinds of negative emotions inside him, such as hatred, malice, envy, grudge, jealousy, revenge, prejudice, selfishness, arrogance, self-aggrandizement, ambition, non-acknowledgment, etc. The person who lifts himself above all these kinds of negative emotions can attain the state which is called ‘the soul at peace.’ It is a conscious process. No one can reach this state automatically. To do this one has to become one’s guardian and one has to constantly purify oneself. Only in this way can a person become the soul at peace.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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