Peaceful Citizen

The Prophet of Islam said that a Muslim is one whose hand and tongue people are safe. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 8931) This means that the true servant of God is the one who lives as a non-violent person in society. He should not utter such words as may hurt others. That is, no one should experience harm from him. This is the minimum standard of humanity. The highest level of humanity is for men and women to live in a society in such a way as they may benefit each other. And if they cannot benefit others, then at least they should not become problem persons for others in the society.

When a man harms others with his words or his hand, he falls from the level of humanity to the level of an animal. The true standard of humanity is that man should be so sensitive that he cannot afford to be harmful to others.

A person who is sensitive in this matter will not find any happiness in harming others. If he ever harms anyone, he will think, “I have lowered myself below the level of humanity”, and will try to make up for the loss. He will not be content until he has apologized or made up for his inadequacy.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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