The Principle
of Beneficence

The Quran states that the system of this world is based on the principle of profitability. (The Quran, 13:17) That is, the person who benefits others will receive benefit from others. According to this principle, whenever a person experiences deprivation, he should admit that it has happened because he could not prove himself beneficial to others. He had deprived others, so others also deprived him. If he gives to others, he will surely get from others in return.

The principle of profitability is related to one’s whole life. It relates to familial as well as societal matters. According to this principle, the method of complaint and protest has no meaning. Every complaint and protest in this world is practically against one’s shortcomings. A man should not waste time complaining and protesting but rather he should try to rectify his shortcomings at the earliest opportunity. A man should make himself useful to others. That is the solution to his problem.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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