Education and Training

A companion of the Prophet of Islam said that even if a bird was seen flying in the air, the Prophet would remind us of a piece of knowledge. (Sahih ibn Hibban, Hadith No. 65)

This tradition gives us an extended concept of education and training. This shows that the process of acquiring knowledge continues not only in the form of formal education but also outside of school premises. The fact is that there is some kind of knowledge hidden in every big and small event in the world of nature. If the teacher has an alert mind, he can make the world outside of the school a source of education and training for his students. In the same way, a leader can equip his followers with mental and spiritual training by applying these principles to natural events. Our whole world is a vast school. One who is a true seeker of knowledge will continue to increase his knowledge every moment. His scholarly journey will never come to an end.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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