High Morals

The Prophet of Islam, addressing some of his companions, asked, “Shall I tell you better morals?” To which his companions replied, “Yes.” Then the Prophet said, “Join with those who break away from you, give to those who deprive you and forgive those who wrong you.” (Al-Mujam al-Awsat, Hadith No. 5064) To put it briefly, this is not a high ethical standard. High ethics is that which is based on its principles, which is not in response to the actions of others but is governed by its principles.

High morality is that man should rise above the attitude of others and unilaterally adhere to good morals. He should save himself from the psychology of reaction, he should never give up a positive moral attitude. The greatest characteristic of high morality is that a person maintains a positive attitude despite negative attitudes from others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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