Not Permissible to Stop Talking
for More than Three Days

The Prophet of Islam said that it is not permissible for a man to stop talking to his brother for more than three days. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2560) This means that if there is a quarrel with someone and it reaches the situation of cutting off talks, one can be excused for a maximum of three days. It is not permissible to hold off talking to the person for more than three days. In this case, the three-day leave is given because the anger can last for a maximum of three days. Thereafter, it becomes a question of ego. One can be forgiven for anger, but one cannot be forgiven for egotism. Anger is a natural weakness that arises temporarily, but egotism is evil and a matter of rebellion. That is why anger is forgivable but not egotism and rebellion. A man may have an excuse for temporary anger, but egotism and disobedience are crimes for which no excuse is permissible by God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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