Passing Time

The Quran states that time has shown that man is at a loss. (103:1-2) According to this verse, it is as if human life is like ice. Just as the ice melts, so does the age of man. Little by little, the time comes when a man reaches the end of his life.

Man’s countdown is constantly taking place. If a person is destined to live for sixty years after birth, it is as if his countdown began as soon as he was born. At the end of the first year, he is left with fifty-nine years. Then fifty-eight, then fifty-seven, and then fifty-six, then fifty-five, and so on. In this way, every man’s countdown is taking place constantly. No one can stop this countdown. In such a situation, every man should value his every moment because the time lost is not going to come back. Just as the past does not come back, similarly the past moments of life do not come back to anyone either.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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