Success in Patience

The Prophet of Islam said, “Know that success comes with patience.” (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 2803) This tradition explains the extraordinary importance of patience. Patience is a stepping stone to all kinds of progress. The patient can never fail in this world.

In today’s world, there are ups and downs with every human being. Every human being experiences undesirable situations again and again. It is often the case that a person becomes discouraged and can feel defeated. But this is not right: in today’s world, the chances of success are so great that they never exhaust. Failure is integral to success. The purpose of patience is to save yourself from despair and wait for the next opportunity. If a person shows patience after the first failure, he will soon find that the second success is waiting for him nearby. Therefore, we should not be afraid of failure, it is a part of the road to success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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