Everyone is
Held Responsible

The Prophet of Islam said, “Listen, every one of you is a shepherd. And every one of you will be asked about your flock.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 893) In this hadith, we are told about a fact of life with the example of a shepherd and a flock. Just like a shepherd has a flock, every human being has a flock according to his circumstances, and he should fulfil his responsibility in herding this flock.

For example, for the eldest member of a household, his family is his herd or flock. He must take care of his family. Similarly, a school or college teacher is responsible for his students. He must fulfil his academic responsibility to the best of his ability. Similarly, a leader is responsible for his followers. He must be their well-wisher in the full sense. Similarly, the president of an organization is responsible for the people belonging to his organization. He must fulfil his responsibilities towards the institution concerned.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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