Without Paying the Price

Man has to offer his own being in return for paradise. Whoever sacrifices his life for God will find eternal reward. There is no other way of earning salvation.

There comes a time in everybody’s life when one has to sacrifice something—one’s self, one’s honour, one’s property or one’s life itself—for the sake of one’s religion. Whoever makes the required sacrifices at such times is worthy of God’s favour. Whoever stops short of self-sacrifices in God’s path will be permanently denied His blessings.

Paradise is so priceless that nothing we have can pay for it. God has nonetheless put a trivial price on it, that is, the sacrifice that we must make for it. The only thing that lies between man and paradise is that he should give up his insignificant self to God; that he should expend all his paltry wealth for the sake of God; that he should spend his time on earth serving God. To accept truth is a sacrifice; to give up one’s wealth for the cause of God is a sacrifice; to spend one’s time and energy working for God’s cause is a sacrifice; to put up with displeasing circumstances for God’s sake is a sacrifice.

What a small price to have to pay for such a great gift! Yet man is so unwilling to pay even this paltry price that he passes his short time on earth without doing so.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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