Loss Turned to Gain

Man longs more than anything for a world full of  happiness. This longing is inborn in every human being, but everyone leaves the world with only a partial sense of fulfillment. Man wants to see all his desires satisfied in this world, but the world cannot provide what he wants; so he is left in a state of disillusionment.

We may build for ourselves the kind of home we have always dreamed of having but, in it, we are still beset by the rivalry, jealousy, enmity and vengeance of others. We make huge advances in the field of technology, only to see them rendered meaningless by new problems. Then, while we are still on the road to success, death puts an end to everything.

Man is quite right to long for an ideal world, but he can never find it on earth. He will have to wait until the next life for the realization of such a world. Faith in eternity invests our life on earth with meaning. Our life on earth is one of struggle, but in eternity, we will be rewarded for our efforts on earth. If one considers this world the ultimate destination, one is bound to be disappointed; but if one looks ahead to the Hereafter, then a world of eternal contentment opens out before one.

In a world where we seem bound to lose, only a faith, which tells us the secret of turning our losses into gains, can be the true one.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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