God’s Envoy

Those who are bathed in the light of God are fit to preach the word of God. Whatever they say comes from Him. Thus it becomes possible for them to sing God’s eternal praises on earth. Yet man does not take heed. His heart remains sealed.

Preaching God’s word is not like playing a record. One can only preach when one has experienced something like a volcanic eruption within one’s soul. A preacher’s whole being must be deeply involved in what he says and writes. His song is not just words and music; it is an expression of a delicate spiritual communion with the Lord.

But how strange it is that even such divine words fail to move people’s hearts. The preacher warns his people with earnestness and intensity, and his whole being testifies to the truth of this warning, but people are deaf to his call. He pipes to his people but they do not lament. He shows people the kingdom of heaven, but they are not enraptured. He warns them of a blazing Hell, but they show no fear. He explains to people the signs of God, but they do not fall prostrate.

Man proves himself to be the most insensitive, although allegedly the most sensitive of all God’s creatures.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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