The Islamic Life

An Islamic life comes into being like a tree. A verdant tree can only grow when it has learned to blend with the terrestrial and celestial orders of nature; likewise a person becomes Islamic by deriving spiritual nourishment from the whole of God’s universe.

Ritual practices and revolutionary slogans do not go to make an Islamic life. One can only become a true Muslim when one begins to receive the light of God. God has provided a world of nourishment for trees; in like manner, spiritual nourishment is always available to man. Just as the mighty oak springs from the acorn buried deep in the womb of nature, so an Islamic life grows from deeply-rooted faith. Be it man or tree, both have to attach themselves to vaster orders if they are to reach perfection. The difference is that trees come into existence involuntarily, whereas man can only develop of his own free will.

Those who thrive on God’s spiritual provision in this world will flourish in the hereafter. Those who neglected to partake of such provision will be raised from the dead in a spiritually impoverished state, no matter how splendid was their condition on earth.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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