Eternal Bliss

God’s acceptance of righteous actions is marked by wondrous sensations, which introduce one to the heaven, which has been promised to God’s true servants in the life to come. Thus believers discover the fragrance of the garden of paradise in this world. They hold such sensations dearer than all worldly pleasures.

When one gives true charity to a needy person and finds the rewards with God: when the recitation of the Qur’an brings tears into one’s eyes: when one experiences moments of anguish which make one feel close to God; when one’s voice trembles and one’s heart throbs as one utters the prayers which God  has put into one’s heart; then one is partaking of the provision of the Lord in spiritual form. One is tasting of the fruits of paradise, which God has kept in store for his righteous servants.

The thrills of true faith are the form, which the fruits of paradise take in this world. In eternity they will take the form of the everlasting blessings of heaven.

If one is not close to God in this world, then how can one hope to be close to Him in the next world? If one does not derive joy from one’s worship in this world, then how can one hope to be rewarded with eternal bliss in the hereafter?

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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