Virtuous Life

Those who are patient and do not despair in the face of disaster, are fit to live in paradise. They pray for those who hurt them. They do not mind being criticized. They act justly to everyone, even those who wrong them. They are fair and honest in their dealings with others.

The true believer requites evil with good. Only those who are ever mindful of God are blessed with pure lives of this nature, that is, those who discover God on such a profound level that He permeates their beings and becomes the focal point of their emotions.

Where unbelievers are arrogant, believers bow in humility. Where unbelievers are contemptuous, believers are considerate. Where unbelievers bear ill-will, believers are well-wishing. Where unbelievers usurp others’ right, believers render to everyone his due. Believers are not prevented by false pride from acknowledging the truth. Believers never forsake justice, even when they are tempted to seek revenge.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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