The Inheritance of Paradise

The freedom which man has been given on earth  is not permanent. It has been granted to him for a certain time and for a specific reason: that he may be put to the test. God wishes to see who make good use of their freedom, so that He may reward such people. Those who are spoiled by their freedom will be cast into Hell.

The world will end when the test of man is complete. When man’s test has run its course, the Lord will take over direct control of the earth, as He has already done with the rest of the universe. Then the good will be separated from the bad. The good will inherit life everlasting in heaven, while the wicked will be condemned to eternal punishment.

Those who are worthy of abiding in the future world of heaven are being selected in this world. Those who obey God, despite their freedom, and voluntarily impose the will of God upon themselves, are deserving of paradise. During the period of man’s trial, all kinds of people have been allowed to inhabit the world. When the trial of man has run its course, however, only the righteous will be fit to inherit the evergreen world of God. Others will be denied entrance into heaven; they will be cast into a world of everlasting anguish and despair.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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