Who will be Saved

To be deserving of heaven in the next world, one must experience it in this world: one must attain the spiritual upliftment, which will qualify one for heaven in the hereafter. Fear of Judgement Day should make the hair on one’s body stand on end. One’s heart should be illuminated by manifestations of God’s glory, which make one feel close to Him. One should suppress feelings of anger and vengeance, demonstrating thus what the forgiveness of the Lord will be like. One should witness through one’s own tears of contrition the scene of a forgiving master pardoning his repentant servant. One should pardon those who are at one’s mercy, in the hope that God will be forgiving on the day that one will be totally at His mercy. One should control one’s tongue, though one is able to speak at will. One should bow before the truth on earth, as others will in eternity.

The believer is a flower of the garden of paradise, which sprouts in this world and blossoms in the next. He experiences in this world what others will experience after death, when it is too late. People’s reaction to the various circumstances they face in life will determine whether they are fit for heaven or Hell; if they respond in a satanic manner they, prove themselves fit for Hell, and if they respond in an angelic manner, they prove themselves worthy of heaven.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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