The Seeker Finds

People take heaven’s name but act in a manner more fitting for Hell. This means that they have never sought heaven from God; if they had, God would never have let them proceed on a path, which can only lead them to Hell.

It is impossible that one should ask God for heaven and be given hell instead; that one should seek to fear the Lord and that He should harden one’s heart; that one should desire to remember the Lord at all times and that He should leave one in a state of forgetfulness; that one should long to aspire to eternity and that God should fill one’s heart with love of the world: that one should aspire to true, heartfelt piety and that He should make one’s piety spiritless; that one should wish to worship God and that he should let one worship personalities instead.

If one does not have what is desirable in life, it means that one has not sought it. Those who seek will always find. How can the Lord of Universe leave His servant in such a state that he will be able to cry out on the Day of Resurrection, “Lord, I asked You for heaven and You have given me Hell.” Truly, this is out of the question. One cannot conceive of such a thing happening. There is not a day on which the Lord does not grant His mercy to His servants; yet He gives only to those who ask. One cannot blame the Bestower if the recipient has no desire for what He has to offer.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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